Allen has a two month old baby…
The baby momma died… and he needs help. Her family has shunned Allen and the baby and is of no help. They were a mix race couple. Yes it is sad that today families are still shackled by the race thing... There are no shelters for a man with a baby. No place to go. He spent his last few hundred dollars on a room = and is now behind on his rent… We met Allen at the People Loving Nashville monday feeding. He paid for a buss ticket to travel downtown to get food and had a buss pass to get back to his place. Then… that was it - no more money. But and amazing thing happened. When the word got out about his story - we rallied around and were able to get him some diapers - baby food - wipes etc and some food for a few days. A group of volunteers circled Allen and his child and prayed over him asking God for help. So we are reaching out to our supporters to help us help this new father. With in hours we found him a cottage to live in rent free until he gets his feet on the ground. But we still need food - clothing - diapers size 1 - wipes - baby food and anything that a parent needs for a new born. Please contact THE Project Nashville - if you can help - or donate at so we can get the things needed. This is what it is all about!!!
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It had rained all day Monday… With short periods of sun… But over all a wet and cool start of the week. We headed down to the People Loving Nashville weekly meal in downtown to help meet and greet the masses of homeless people that that assemble to be fed - clothed and hugged by the awesome volunteers. Before the food arrived I started talking to Burr - a man who just got to town the day before. He had been robbed and had noting but a small sack with some items given to him by the mission. His ID - clothes back pack all gone. Burr is a humble man - wanting to work - willing to do what ever it takes - but tonight he was lost. We talked for a long time - I connected him with people that could help with getting his ID's - along with housing. He could go back to the mission for the night- but didn't like their rules… as many don't. So he was going to find a place on the streets… for the night. For sure a wet and cool night to to be on the streets. I remembered that I had a Back Pack Bed in the trunk of my car and asked him to follow me. I showed him this amazing piece of survival equipment developed especially for homeless people. Its a back pack -waterproof sleeping bag - pup-tent - and lean 2 all in one. It opens in 5 seconds and can simply be used as a sleeping bag. or one can put it between two trees and fasten the attached ropes on each end to make a pup tent - it has a locked secret compartment for valuables and has room for other items to be stored in it when rolled back up into a backpack. Burr teared up and hugged me and it made everything we do here at The Project Nashville - worth it. Thank you for making it possible to give to Burr. |
JR DaviswalTActivists for homeless - inmates and the poor of this world.