Welcome to a new TPN Partner - Karen Vander Molen of the BEST Program.
BEST is the "Best" program in prison I have been involved with in teaching entrepreneurial skills and equipping a man or woman to start their own business upon release. We are proud to support this program! JR Davis
The needs are coming in faster and faster as the word gets out about The Project Nashville.
So let me list the needs. 1 - Woman who recently got off the streets needs contact lenses. - Cost $130.00 2 - Man I visit every week in Max Prison needs glasses - Cost 200.00 3 - We are feeding a new camp - every week and need socks - jackets - tents - tarps - blankets 4 - We are sponsoring The Hill Yeah 5K Run Jan 1 2016 (3rd annual) go to www.hillyeah5k.com Sign up to run! All Proceeds go to Room In the Inn haven for the homeless. 5 - We are sponsoring a concert in November and are collecting clothing to give away. If you can help in any way please let us know. The Project Nashville a 501 c3 not for profit |
JR DaviswalTActivists for homeless - inmates and the poor of this world.