There was a man… His name was Jesus. He walked this earth years ago. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, calmed the sea, and even brought people back to life. He did the for a couple of years. Then He told us that we should do the same. In fact He told us that we would do even bigger things than He had done. Then He said "Go". This command is typically used as a evangelical charge to go gather the masses and bring them to Christ. But the "Go" in the command was much more far reaching. He said to "Go and share with other the things that I have taught.", Those things were beliefs - morals - Love - compassion - and lessons to live by, This week a friend of mine - Steve Lindstrom completed a journey and listened to the command to "Go", But the journey started a couple years ago in a homeless camp by the river near downtown Nashville. Steve, Ingrid and Lindsay of Open Table were the champions and are living the word "Go" in their daily walk.
This past week we completed a journey with one of our friends caught in the homeless cycle, and helped him map a plan to get out of the dirt. It was not an easy plan. There were many struggles. There was deep addiction. Honestly there was little hope. But a few folks took this mans hand and walked him into sobriety - created an income source to get him on his feet and reunited him with his family in NY. Some time ago Steve Lindstrom heard the word GO - and he went. We need more like Steve. Merry Christmas JR Davis
JR DaviswalTActivists for homeless - inmates and the poor of this world.